Both Plasma and LCD technologies attempt to deliver the same (similar, in any case) results; both are used in televisions that are flat and thin. Here you can read side-by-side list of what each has to offer that the other one does not.
Plasma Television Overview
1. Plasma displays are made up of cells that contain glass panels. There's a narrow gap between the panels that's filled with neon-xenon gas in plasma form. This gas is charged when the Plasma TV is in used electrically. This charged gas strikes phosphors (red, green and blue) producing a TV image. Each red, green and blue phosphor is a picture element, better known as pixel.
2. So Plasma TVs burns phosphors to generate images. Which means, it has some of the negative quality of traditional TVs, specifically: you get heat and screen-burn of static images.
3. The screen does emit radiation.
LCD Television Overview
1. LCD displays are made of layers (2) of transparent material that are polarized and 'glued' together. One of the layers is coated with a substance (polymer) that contains individual liquid crystals. When electric current is passed through the individual crystals, they allow light to pass through or block it. So once you have the panels properly set, you put a light source (florescent bulb) net to it and the image the LCD creates becomes visible.
2. The liquid crystals produce less heat than the phosphors of Plasma or CRT televisions. The light source that makes the images visible uses less power.
3. The screen does not emit any radiation.
Here is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of Plasma and lcd tv technologies in relation to each other.
Plasma - better contrast ratio
LCD - worse contrast ratio
Plasma - deep darks
LCD - less deep darks
Plasma - better saturation
LCD - worse saturation
Plasma - better accuracy
LCD - worse accuracy
Plasma - burn-in of static images
LCD - no burn-in of static images
Plasma - individual pixels do not burn out (causing black or white spots that cannot be fixed as individual pixels cannot be fixed)
LCD -yes individual pixels do burn out (causing black or white spots that cannot be fixed as individual pixels cannot be fixed)
Plasma - generates more heat
LCD - generates less heat
Plasma -uses more energy
LCD -uses less energy
Plasma - has issues at higher altitudes
LCD - does not have issues at higher altitudes
Plasma - weighs more (if screen size is the same)
LCD - weighs less (if screen size is the same)
Advantages That Have Disappeared Or Are About To
Plasma used to have better motion tracking (less or no lag in fast moving images).
LCD Used to have more lag in fast moving images. However, these days, lcd tvS that have 120 Hz screen refresh rates and 240Hz processing match Plasma in motion tracking quality.
Plasma Used to last significantly less. However, new technology has changed that so that now Plasma TVs have over 60,000 hours life expectancy.
LCD used to last longer, over 60,000 hours life expectancy.
Plasma - used to be the only ones available in larger sizes.
LCD - did not use to be available in larger sizes.
Plasma - Are still typically cheaper than same size lcd tvs, especially EDTV Plasma TVs vs. HDTV LCD TVs. However the gap is narrowing. The 1080p resolution Plasma TV sets between 37 and 42 inches tend to be more expensive than same size, 1080p resolution LCD TV sets.
LCD - Are typically more expensive than same size Plasma TVS, especially HDTV LCD TVs vs. EDTV Plasma. However, the gap is narrowing. The 1080p resolution LCD TV sets between 37 and 42 inches tend to be cheaper than same size, 1080p Plasma TV sets.
Finally, a non-issue. Some (Plasma TV makers) point out that LCD TV sets contain mercury. It's true, but the amount is small and does not come in contact with the users. LED LCD TV sets do not have mercury at all.
So which one do you buy? Well, it's up to you. But now you are in a good position to decide. All you're left with is deciding which company's TV you want, what screen size, and a few other pesky features (which I cover in another article). And, of course, how much to pay. But you are one step closer to have that TV set in your home.